How Long Does It Take for a Dog to Adjust to a New Home?

Moving home is high on the list of most stressful life events for humans, and it’s up there for dogs as well. Although it can be an exciting time, it’s also a nerve-wracking period. On top of that, you have to say goodbye to a place where you may have made many fond memories. How long it takes for your dog to adjust to a new home depends very much on their personality and your preparation.

For dogs, it may be even more difficult. Even though they are intelligent beings, they may not fully understand what’s going on. Canines grow attached to the abodes they live in, so it’s crucial to make sure moving into a new dwelling is a smooth process for them. Don’t feel disheartened if it takes your dog some time to adjust to its new surroundings.
Before you move:
Moving house without pets can be a lot of hassle, with so many things to consider. Before biting the bullet and deciding to sell up, it’s helpful to go through a moving house checklist to ensure you’re making the right decision. For example, you should ask yourself why you’re moving and determine whether the new property can fulfil your needs.
With dogs in the mix, you don’t just need to find a home that suits you. You also need to think about their needs. Does the place you’re looking at have a big enough garden? Is it close enough to good fields for them to exercise in? If not, you may have to reconsider whether moving is the right option for you.

Initial reactions and gradual adaptions:
One thing you need to prepare yourself for when moving a dog into a new house is that it’s not going to be completely straightforward. Unfortunately, your beloved hound is going to show some signs of stress – after all, it’s a major shift in their established routine. The best thing you can do is set up some familiar areas for them, such as their basket and favourite toys. Take things that smell of their old home. This will help them settle and feel safe a little quicker.
After the initial 24 hours, dogs may start getting used to their new surroundings. However, you will need to give your dogs lots of time, patience and TLC. You may need to clear up some accidents as they mark their territory or get confused about where they should go to the toilet. To ease the gradual adaptation, it’s best to get into a new walking routine as quickly as possible. It’s also a wise idea to move all your stuff in as quickly as possible to avoid disruption. Try to avoid leaving them too quickly as their new home will feel very strange to them at first.

Your behaviour:
If this is your first time moving with a dog, it’s crucial that you try to act as naturally as possible. However, it’s understandable if you start to get worried about your dog. You should know that it may exhibit some odd behaviour in the early days, such as changes in appetite or restlessness. If this persists for more than a few days, you should think about consulting your vet.
Moving house doesn’t have to be too much of an ordeal, if you plan carefully. Putting your dog first is the most important thing, and you need to make plans to help them settle in comfortably.
More about a happy dog here.