Why I have Joined the Canine Partners Fit For 30 Challenge

I have recently joined the #fitfor30challenge to raise awareness and money for the brilliant Canine Partners. I heard about Canine Partners via social media and couldn’t wait to get involved.
Who are Canine Partners?

Canine Partners are a registered charity who match people with physical disabilities to amazingly skilled assistance dogs. This transforms the lives of the people. It improves the partners quality of life by increasing their independence, offering security, giving companionship, and providing practical help with everyday household tasks. It also offer tremendous comfort and aids mental health.
The charity receives no government funding, relying solely on donations from the public and legacies to help them continue their fabulous work. They run a number of events throughout the year where people can choose to get involved and support them. Canine Partners train their dogs, from puppies, to a very high standard. They also care for the dogs when they retire from their invaluable work.
The Fit For 30 Challenge:

The Fit For 30 Challenge runs throughout September. It is designed to help people increase their activity and fitness whilst supporting the charity. To take part, you simply choose a physical activity based around the number 30 (for example 30 minutes of a specific activity, 30 repetitions of an activity and so forth). You then complete your challenge during the 30 days of September, asking your friends and family to donate to the charity in support of your efforts.
You can sign up online- it couldn’t be simpler! It’s very inclusive as those unable to join in physically can take part by choosing a mental challenge, for example 30 Sudoku puzzles a month etc.
My Fit For 30 Challenge:

I have chosen to complete 30 minutes of yoga for each day of September. Yoga is something which I love but often overlook in a busy day. I have subscribed to the Peleton Fitness app to help motivate me.

My cheeky whippets are getting involved by promising to stay off my yoga mat for September. I think my promise may be more reliable than theirs! A week into the challenge, I already feel calmer, more flexible and have greater mobility in my usually stiff shoulders. I have also raised £50 so far.
It is not too late to get involved and support Canine Partners. Join the Fit For 30 Challenge online now or donate to the charity. You may choose to get involved in one of the other brilliant events or fundraisers the charity run throughout the year? How about a Paws for a Cuppa virtual coffee morning or Winter Wonder wheels?