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The Science of Snuggles: What the Latest Pet Ownership Study Reveals About Our Furry Friends

The Science of Snuggles: What the Latest Pet Ownership Study Reveals About Our Furry Friends

The bond between humans and pets is a tale as old as time, yet new insights continue to illuminate the depth and complexity of this relationship. Dogs are great for our health – humans could also learn so much from dogs. Recent findings from a 

Tips for Travelling Abroad with your Anxious Pet

Tips for Travelling Abroad with your Anxious Pet

Travelling more often than not is an amazing experience – and you are not the only one wanting to take your pet with you. However, if you are traveling with a furry friend with anxiety, it can additional stress and planning to your journey. Dogs, 

Mothers Day Giveaway and Gift Guide

Mothers Day Giveaway and Gift Guide

As we hurtle into March, the mornings are getting lighter and the day light hours longer. The beautiful spring flowers are starting to bloom. Spring is my favourite season! I just love watching the daffodils open and the trees bud. Mothers day is also just 

The Best UK Dog Friendly Locations for Walkers

The Best UK Dog Friendly Locations for Walkers

Exploring the great outdoors with your furry friend in tow is one of life’s simplest pleasures. The UK, with its diverse landscapes and walker-friendly paths, offers countless destinations for those looking to enjoy a break with their dog. From the rugged coasts of Cornwall to 

Five Tips to Make a Pet Friendly House for your Dog

Five Tips to Make a Pet Friendly House for your Dog

If you have a dog, keeping them safe at home is always one of your top priorities. We all know that dogs need care and attention, but it can be easy to forget how quickly they can cause mischief- particularly if they are young pups! 

Absolute Dogs’ Games Club vs. the Sexier Than a Squirrel Challenge: Which Is Right for You?

Absolute Dogs’ Games Club vs. the Sexier Than a Squirrel Challenge: Which Is Right for You?

Absolute Dogs has transformed the world of dog training education with its high-level programmes, challenges, and resources. Two of the company’s most popular offerings are its Games Club and Sexier Than a Squirrel Challenge. Both offer industry-leading training advice focused on exciting games, rewards, and 

The Best Ways to Dog Proof Your Kitchen

The Best Ways to Dog Proof Your Kitchen

Having a dog is an absolute joy (at least, most of the time). However, when dogs are young, you must be patient and careful with them, as they will want to scratch and chew things that are precious to you and dangerous to them. And 

Must-Try Dog Walks in Yorkshire

Must-Try Dog Walks in Yorkshire

If you’re finding your dog walks a tad repetitive, it may be time to shake things up a touch. Yorkshire is full of wonderful walks that allow you to soak up God’s own country in its entirety – and many of these are dog-friendly! Yorkshire 

How to Make a Homemade Flower Collar for Dogs

How to Make a Homemade Flower Collar for Dogs

Are you a dog lover looking to add a touch of style to your furry friend’s wardrobe? Creating a homemade flower collar is the perfect solution, providing a personalized and unique accessory for your canine companion. In this guide, we’ll walk you through the process 

What I Have Noticed about Living with A Senior Dog

What I Have Noticed about Living with A Senior Dog

As the proud owner of 2 senior whippets (11 and 12 years old), I have noticed that life with them changes and evolves as they age- very much like us humans! They become all the more cuddly and wonderful but their needs are a little