10 Keeping Fit at Home Tips for You and Your Dog

Many of us are trying to get fit and keep fit. While our furry friends can’t exactly join us in the gym, there are still plenty of ways to incorporate them into our keeping fit routines and help them keep in shape too. Dogs are great workout partners, with their boundless energy and positive outlook. Here are ways in which they can motivate you to get active.
Here are some tips on how you and your pup can get fit together:
1. Go for a run or walk together.

Walking is healthy: it is also probably the easiest way to get some exercise with your dog. And it’s also a great bonding experience for the two of you. Enjoy the fresh air and space around you and get the physical and mental benefits. Perhaps you want to up the tempo and make it a run? Just make sure to start slow if your dog isn’t used to running long distances. The NHS have the excellent Coach to 5K plan to getting running safely. Already a runner? How about going to one of the free Dog friendly Parkrun events with your dog?
2. Play fetch.

This classic game is not only a lot of fun for dogs, but it can also be a great workout for you as well. If you have a large yard, you can really get moving by chasing after the ball. Get a racquet involved. You’ll be surprised how high impact this game is!
3. Go swimming.

If you have access to a pool, this is a great way to cool off while getting some exercise. Many dogs love to swim and it’s a low-impact activity that is easy on the joints. Wild swimming is also a great option for confident swimmers.
4. Take a hike.

Hiking is a great way to get in some cardio and enjoy nature at the same time. And your dog will love exploring all the new sights and smells. Just be sure to study up on trail etiquette before heading out and be prepared if your hike is a long one. Take plenty of water and food for both of you.
5. Do some yard work.

Yard work may not sound like fun, but it’s a great way to burn calories while getting your yard in shape. It is a lot more physical than it seems and a great way to get some fresh air. And your dog can help by keeping you company. Enjoy the achievement of making your outdoor space beautiful.
6. Play Frisbee.

This is another great way to get some exercise while spending time with your pup. And it’s a lot more fun than going to the park and just throwing a ball around. Many dogs love chasing a frisbee in an open space. The beach is the perfect place if you can find one.
7. Play at home.

On a rainy day, you might be homebound so why not play some sniffy games with your dog? These offer mental stimulation which will tire your dog out and are lots of fun. Dancing also is a great workout and it’s also a lot of fun- your dog can join in on the fun by dancing along with you.
8. Do some agility training.

This is a great way to bond with your dog while getting a workout. And it can also be a lot of fun for both of you. Agility offers a mental and physical way of keeping fit to both of you. Also consider flyball.
9. Take a bike ride.

This is a great way to get some fresh air and exercise at the same time. Whether you favour a mountain, racing, or gravel bike, cycling offers a great way to bond with your dog. Just be sure to invest in a good bike trailer or carrier so your dog can ride safely. If your dog is running beside you, make sure that they are able to stop safely and won’t get caught by your wheels. This might take some training.
10. Involve your dog in your home gym.

If you have a home gym, there are plenty of ways to involve your dog in your workout. Ever heard of dog yoga? Depending on their size, you can use them as resistance while doing squats or lunges. Just be sure to use proper form and start slow to avoid injury.
If you don’t have a home gym, it’s really no sweat to set one up. Even if you live in a smaller space, like a studio apartment, there are still ways to create a compact home gym that you and your pet can both enjoy.
5 Things you should consider before keeping fit with your dog

1. Don’t force them to exercise if they don’t want to.
Some dogs are just not that into exercising and there’s nothing wrong with that. Just let them be and enjoy quality time together in other ways.
2. Don’t overdo it.
Dogs can easily get overheated, so it’s important not to overdo it when exercising together. If it’s hot outside, stick to shorter walks or runs at cooler times of the day. And make sure to have plenty of water on hand for both of you.
3. Don’t forget the sunscreen.
Just like humans, dogs can get sunburned. So if you’re going to be spending time outside, be sure to put sunscreen on your dog.
4. Don’t neglect their diet.
A healthy diet is important for both humans and dogs. So make sure your dog is getting the proper nutrition they need to fuel their workouts. If their activity has risen, they will need more food to balance this change.
5. Don’t forget to have fun.
Remember, the whole point of exercising with your dog is to have fun. So don’t take it too seriously and just enjoy spending time with your furry friend.
So get out there and enjoy some quality time with your pet while getting fit. And who knows, you might just make some new friends along the way.
Keep track of your dogs activity levels with c!