Top Dog Products Every New Owner Should Check Out
At some point, even we were new dog owners! Even if we have had dogs for years, we remember what it was like in the early days. Owning your first dog is a minefield. There’s a lot to buy for them, and so many different products on the market. Pet owners spend a combined £10 million pounds per year on their furry friends, and we’re pretty sure most of it is spent on stuff that doesn’t get used! From dog clothing to gadgets and more, there’s a lot of top dog products out there to wear, eat and use. Here are the ones not to miss!
A Pet Camera
For those of us who don’t work from home and have to leave our pets alone for a few hours each day, it can be nerve-wracking to wonder what they’re up to. With a pet camera, you can easily check in on your furry friend wherever you are and make sure they’re behaving themselves. If there is an emergency, you can contact someone close by or go home yourself to sort it out. Some pet cameras even have microphones, so you can talk to your dog if you need to. We have recently used a camera to help with separation anxiety training- it was invaluable.
A Dog Food Subscription
Dog food is something every pet parent needs, and choosing the right option can be difficult, as there are so many products out there. Once you’ve found a quality dog food that’s healthy and that your pup enjoys, you need to make sure you’ve always got a stash handy. Consider a raw dog food on subscription, which can save you money and mean that you’ll never run out of dog food again. It’s a win-win!
A good quality lead an harness/ collar
Getting a good quality harness is vital for training and for enjoyable walks. Harnesses are excellent for dogs needing some help with their lead behaviour, reactive dogs, anxious dogs and those prone to slipping their collar! We find that a harness definitely decreases anxiety in our whippets. Choose a sturdy, quality product which will last well for you.
A cosy bed
When your furry family needs rest, they’ll love a cosy bed to hop into. This can also offer a safe place for when they need a bit of peace and respite- especially if you have a busy home. Choose somewhere peaceful to place the bed so that they enjoy the security and time to recharge. Some owners choose to go for a crate.
A Treat Bag With Pockets
Treat bags might not seem necessary, but they can be a great way to compartmentalise everything you need for your dog walk. Despite the name, they’re not just for tasty treats- you can also keep poo bags, dog toys and recall tools like a whistle in them. Stuffing everything in your pockets might seem like a good way to save money on a treat bag, but it’ll come back to haunt you when you can’t find something you really need. It also makes a mess of your coats! We’ve all faced the dreaded scramble for a poo bag, so save the effort with the right treat bag.
A Travel Harness
At some point, you’ll need to take your dog in the car, perhaps for a holiday, and when you do, you’ll need a travel harness and a car seat or dog seatbelt to keep them secure. While you could choose a dog guard and put your dog in the boot, these can be expensive, and most of us dog owners like to have our furry friends close to us while we drive! Many no-pull harnesses make great car harnesses too, but if you use a gentle leader or a collar, you’ll need one just for the car.
A Comfy Dog Coat
Most dog breeds, particularly our beloved whippets, need extra protection from the cold during the winter. Some thick-coated dogs might be fine without a coat, but it’s worth having one just in case. A good dog coat is functional as well as fashionable and can keep your dog snug in all weathers. It’ll also make it easier to dry your dog off after a wet walk. Whether you want a fleece hoodie for short walks or a dog raincoat for hikes, check out some of the best dog coats available to find one that suits your dog and makes them look- and feel- great.
A Wearable Towel
After a wet walk, even with a good dog coat, most dogs get a bit wet and dirty. In some cases, you might need to put them straight into a hot bath to clean them off before they get everything in your home grubby! Towel drying your dog can be a challenge, especially if they hate baths and want to run straight to the sofa. Thankfully, you won’t have to chase them around with a wearable dog towel. Just wrap them up in it and secure the towel with the velcro, and then you can rub them dry while they sit and enjoy the fuss.
Just like humans, dogs love to be stimulated and need their mental exercise alongside the physical. Get them some interesting toys and activities. Kongs are a popular choice. This can really help combat destructive behaviour which can come from boredom, alongside physical exercise and training of course.
How To Figure Out If A Dog Product Is Worth Buying
These are just some of the items we love, but there’s plenty more out there, and new products are released all the time. When you’re trying to work out whether something’s worth spending money on, or it’s just a fad, consider:
- When would you use it?
- Could the product’s function be replaced by something you already own?
- Would this product really save you time, effort or money in the long run?
- Are you buying it because of an influencer or an enticing advert?
If in doubt, don’t buy the product immediately, and take more time to do your research. Reading reviews and using blogs like ours to get first-hand insight can be a great way to save yourself from buying unneeded products that you and your dog never use.
Where possible, see if you can find the item in a physical pet shop so you can look at it and actually figure out if you’d be likely to use it. Shopping online is convenient, and you can always go back and compare prices later, but seeing something in the flesh first could make a major difference.
Every now and then, you might want to go through all the dog care items you have- we know we do! When having a clear-out, learn from the mistakes of the past and try to think about why you bought a product and what you can do differently in the future. Then, make sure you put it to good use by donating to a local rescue centre, as they can definitely find a use for it!