5 Decor Ideas For Creating a Dog-Friendly Room

5 Decor Ideas For Creating a Dog-Friendly Room

Bringing a furry friend into your family and home can be an incredibly e­nriching experience­. For dedicated pet owne­rs, it is only natural to prioritise your dog’s comfort and happiness in its living space­. Designing a dog-friendly room goes be­yond meeting their basic ne­eds; it 

How To Look After Your Dog’s Joints

How To Look After Your Dog’s Joints

Dogs are beloved members of our families, providing us with unconditional love and companionship. As responsible pet owners, it is essential to prioritize their health and well-being, particularly when it comes to looking after your dog’s joints. Just like humans, dogs can experience joint issues 

Dog Safety Away from Home

Dog Safety Away from Home

If you are anything like us, you love taking your dogs out and about and away from home with you. A holiday isn’t a real holiday without them is it? But being away from home with your dog requires consideration and planning. Here is how 

Top Tips for Travelling with Dogs in a Motorhome

Top Tips for Travelling with Dogs in a Motorhome

Travelling with your furry friend in a motorhome can be an exciting and memorable experience. It offers the perfect opportunity to explore new destinations while keeping your beloved pet by your side. However, planning a trip that accommodates both your needs and those of your 

Uncovering Pet-Friendly Destinations: From Lisbon to Porto

Uncovering Pet-Friendly Destinations: From Lisbon to Porto

As an increasing number of travellers take their beloved pets along on their travels, many destinations have adapted to accommodate these furry family members. Portugal, a country known for its welcoming and warm culture, is no exception. Let’s journey through the city breaks in Lisbon, 

Traveling with Dogs: Exploring the World Together

Traveling with Dogs: Exploring the World Together

Embarking on adventures with our furry companions can be an incredibly rewarding experience. Traveling with dogs allows us to create lasting memories while strengthening the bond we share.  However, it also requires careful planning and consideration to ensure a safe and enjoyable journey for both 

Do Pregnant Dogs Carry Puppies in their Rib Cage?

Do Pregnant Dogs Carry Puppies in their Rib Cage?

No, pregnant dogs do not carry their puppies in their rib cages. This is because the puppies are actually located in the dog’s uterus or womb, which is located behind the pubic bone. When you look at an X-ray image of a pregnant dog, it 

Competition time- Blogger’s Giveaway!

Competition time- Blogger’s Giveaway!

Welcome to the Blogger’s Giveaway Easter competition. Competition enthusiasts will love the opportunity to win this Amazon gift card of £150. With Easter holidays fast approaching, many of us will be wondering how we can cover the costs of gifts, activities and days out. Many 

What are Whippets like? Our A-Z of Owning a Whippet

What are Whippets like? Our A-Z of Owning a Whippet

Whippet owners adore the breed and fall head over heels in love with them- but why? Just what are whippets like to have in the family? Are they good pets? Here are some reflections of the long nosed folk, collected from many wonderful U.K. whippet 

Travel Safely with your Dog

Travel Safely with your Dog

We love to travel with our dogs regularly and having them with us really does make our holiday. We tend to travel to remote holiday destinations in the UK but are planning to go overseas with them in the future. It is really important for